Tag Archive | Activism

Are you really asking for awareness?

You know what really grinds my gears? I am fortunate to have a lot of friends who are active on social media. Often they share incredible articles, videos, and other content that teaches me about things that I, as a straight white cis woman, would have never even thought to google about otherwise. So I […]

Fun Home, or: the Genealogy of Queer Stories

Autobiography has, in fact, come to a close. We just have to turn in some assignments such as reader responses to finish off the course. In this vein, I had my first complete experience with Fun Home on Sunday. I had, of course, been watching the Tony’s when “Ring of Keys” was performed. And I was, of course, captivated […]

At The Intersection: Is Drag a Problem?

It’s very difficult to not be problematic. Even for a someone who puts a conscious effort into unpacking his privilege, there are gaps, gaffs and mistakes that range from the micro to the macro. It’s not something I’m pleased about but it’s something I have to face, to deconstruct and for the love of god own […]

Diana Oh’s {my lingerie play} Installation 9/10: THE CONCERT AND CALL TO ARMS!!!!!!!!!

Two weeks ago, I took off for a weekend workshop in NYC and seized the opportunity to see Diana Oh’s {my lingerie play} Installation 9/10: THE CONCERT CALL TO ARMS!!!!!!!!! at The Rattlestick in the West Village. I have been following Diana Oh’s work online for the past few years and was thrilled to be able […]

Challenging my Activism

This week, I’ve been researching and writing for our Antigone program note assignment. The play that I’m dramaturging is Antigone in New York by Janusz Glowacki. Glowacki also wrote Hunting Cockroaches, which was produced here at BU in 2016, directed by Stephen Pick. In Cockroaches, he writes about the strife of poverty, but specifically uses humor as a […]

Five More Minutes, Mom!!!

I seriously considered not coming back to school this year. My mom and I got into a fight and she threatened to stop her financial contributions to my life and I, for sure, thought I was going to drop out. The money that she is able to give me makes a significant difference in my […]

Dramaturgy: Chicken Soup for the Soul

This afternoon, in our New Play Development class, we video chatted with dramaturg, theatre-maker, and all-around lady boss Catherine María Rodríguez. Hearing her speak passionately about how she defines dramaturgy, how her work intersects with activism, and her all-around joy to be doing what she does illuminated something within me. Ideas simmering below the surface began […]

TONYC and Audience Participation

This week with a few of my peers, I attended an Art and Social Change event. The event opened with 90 minutes of a Theatre of the Oppressed NYC Forum Play. According to the TONYC website, these Forum Plays are designed by TONYC’s troupes “all over New York City in collaboration with a range of local communities, including […]

Theatre Meets Environmental Activism

Theatre Meets Environmental Activism

Elspeth Tilley, professor of theatre and creative activism at New Zealand’s Massey University, as well as director, playwright, and actor, discusses where theatre meets climate change activism in light of the recently signed Paris Agreement. In her Theatre in the Age of Climate Change: An Educator’s View she addresses the question: How can we, theatre […]

What’s the Point of Social Media Anyway?

What follows is an article about the uses of social media platforms presented on a social media platform and shared on at least one other social media platform. Image of an Unknown Young Woman by Elinor Cook premiered last June at the Gate Theatre in London. In the play, an instance of violence is caught on camera in the middle […]

The Transformative Power of Theatre

I am a true believer in the power of theatre to transform communities.  This is why I work with Arts After Hours in Lynn, MA.  Arts After Hours is dedicated to revitalizing and changing the economy of Lynn–a city mired in years of economic stagnation. Another theatre company, New Brooklyn Theater, that also believes in […]

Oh, Casting

Reading MJ Kaufman‘s article about casting trans-gender actors in productions has opened my eyes on how important it is to think of the message that will be sent to audiences every time a casting decision is made. It is important to be aware of the cultural and political statements that people will be making, whether […]