Tag Archive | storytelling

An Accidental Playwright

I’m on draft 11 of the show I’m developing for Quarter 4.  It’s only 20 pages, but we’re predicting the runtime will be somewhere around 2h45min.  Yo-El Cassell (Director), Georgia Zildjian (Dramaturg) and I (Narrative Designer/Dramaturg) have been meeting weekly for the past two months to iron out the story and create a script that […]

A Response to the Huntington’s THE WHO AND THE WHAT

Walking into the Calderwood Pavilion for a Sunday matinee I was unsurprised by the audience make-up, mostly older and white, with about six to seven people my age and about twenty people of color, including a Muslim Sudanese couple, and two parties of Muslim Pakistanis, who introduced themselves as such when they spoke during the […]

On “Theatre as a Form of Resistance to Oppression & Genocide”: How Theatre Normalized Life for a Jewish Ghetto in WWII

Last night I attended a talk by Joshua Sobol, an Israeli playwright and director who has written over 75 plays and directed internationally, including in the U.S., Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and, of course, Israel. BU was fortunate enough to have him through the efforts of the BU Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies and the […]

Trains, Truths, and Tale Tellers

One of the earliest memories I have is from when I was 5 years old, and I told my mother a story about Thomas the Tank Engine going on an adventure all throughout the island in which his television show is set. The event was prefaced with a “Mom, have you ever seen the episode of Thomas […]

Stories Worth Telling

I recently read a blog post by my classmate, Ally, in response to Scott Slavin’s post about solo performance on HowlRound. In Ally’s post, she concludes that the main purpose of solo performance is telling a story worth knowing. I agree, and further ask, what constitutes a story worth knowing? Both Scott and Ally remark […]

The Art of Listening During the Revolution

We live in a world filled with disaster, strife, injustice, hate, and greed. I decided to pursue a career in the arts because I want to illuminate the other side of the coin; the side that glistens with hope, love, miracles, kindness, and novelty. I have conceded that one cannot exist without the other. The moments […]


Okay, I know my blog title is cute, but really Bombsite and Bomb magazine are the best things that have come into my life as young artist. The brash and honest interviews, the flowing language, it all melds together into a powerful collage of contemporary theatre analysis. I was reading an article in which Richard […]

Stop fighting! Make something!

Recently, I’ve been reading a number of articles circulating on Howlround on the topic of the right of the storyteller/artist. I’ve read all the articles in the Howlround series, Race and Representation in American Theater. I invite anyone reading this to click on one of the articles in the link. Any one of them. They […]

The Modern-Day Campfire

So a brief discussion in class on the #newplay Mr. Burns, A Post-Electric Play got me thinking and wondering about the origins and the future of storytelling. It all began around a fire, thousands and thousands of years ago. Someone once told me (I believe it was one of my classmates, I apologize for not […]

Family Theatrics

Sometimes my friends tell me I should write a play about my family. Not my immediate family, but my extended family on my mom’s side. There are seventeen of us in the Boston area–eighteen if you include my great grandmother’s sister, Phyllis.  There are also four generations of us. I’ll make a chart so it […]

Phil Berman on Three Blessed Brothers

Great theatre inspires great conversation. In my previous blog post, I wrote a response to Phil Berman’s new play Three Blessed Brothers. I sent the review to Phil, and opened up a conversation with the playwright about his work, his process, and what it means for him to be telling this story. Here’s what he […]

Phil Berman’s Three Blessed Brother’s Offers Rich Ground for Storytelling

Thunderbirds, trickster gods, firestones, puppetry and banjo make for a rollicking night of hootin’ and a hollerin’ in Phil Berman’s new play Three Blessed Brothers. Hewn from the great fables of the Lakota tribe, these are joyous stories for all ages . Aesthetically the show is satisfying and delightful. The strong designs of the Lakota […]

A Fools Journey: Mike Daisey’s All the Faces of the Moon

On September 5th the Public Theatre launched their largest project ever, All the Faces of the Moon. Over the course of 29 nights from one new moon to the next, the New York based monologist Mike Daisey will perform 29 monologues, a collective 44-hours of performance. The Russian painter, Larissa Tokmakova has painted 29 oil-paintings […]