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I Love New Work.

This weekend, my ensemble and I performed our devised piece, The Identity Project, for our peers. While the process of creating and the journey we underwent each performance taught me a lot, I learned the most when talking to the audience afterwards.

After every show, I would hear, see, and feel the excitement of our audience. They would reflect back to me what they were intrigued or moved by. I loved it. I loved hearing the different opinions and discussing the show with my classmates. It was so energizing to experience my friends experiencing the show I worked on for the last five weeks.

It reminded me how much new work means to me. It reminded me why I chose to write for my senior thesis. It reminded me why I volunteered to be part of a team that commits to nurturing new work in the SOT community.

Going forward in my career as a theatre artist, I want to be a creator and a supporter of new work. I want to write, devise, make as much art as I can. I want to be a playwright, a dramaturg, an actor, maybe even a producer.I want to throw my weight behind new playwrights— myself included— and bring fresh ideas to the stage.

I think there’s a lot, a lot of merit in already published works, but what energizes me the most is new scripts, new ideas. I love watching a piece of theatre blossom before my eyes.

I think this is the single most exciting thing about theatre. I can’t wait to do more of it.

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